New Beginnings at IUI

The start of my IUI journey began around fall of my senior year. I decided to apply to IUI because it was close to home and whenever I took my tour, it just seemed as I was meant to go here. During orientation, I was nervous, just as everyone else was. It was a long day, but it was great to be able to meet so many new people and learn more about campus. During bridge week, I was able to learn more about the campus and even meet some of my professors. The School of Health and Human Sciences has personable and friendly staff that were easy to feel connected to. Bridge week also allowed me to meet some of my closest friends that I have now. One of the two significant learning experiences I had this semester would be helping set up Buddy Walk. My classmates and I were able to help such a great organization. I will get more into this experience on the service learning tab, but it was great to be able to give back to such a great organization. The second learning experience that I had this semester was having to interview a Physician Assistant for my Exercise Science class. I was able to learn more about my future career, and I was appreciative that she took time out of her day to allow me to learn and observe her. If I was not in my Intro to Exercise Science class, I would not have been able to learn more about the profession.
Strengths and Weaknesses
When I began my semester at IUPUI, I underestimated the workload that I would be presented with. Primarily, I learned the importance of studying and putting forth full effort. I would say my biggest weakness was not reading and understanding material in my Exercise Science class in a deeper meaning. The tests in there were difficult, and I knew if I wanted to succeed, I needed to put forth more effort. I also did not give myself enough time to study. I would constantly procrastinate and it got the best of me. My greatest strength was being able to put myself through something new. College is not for everyone, and I am proud of myself for wanting to further my education. I have the goal of becoming a Physician Assistant, and with hard work and determination, I will be able to accomplish that goal.
Lesson Learned
One big lesson I learned this semester was time management. At the beginning of the semester, I was on top of my work. I was getting all of my assignments turned in early, and dedicating a large chunk of time to study for exams. I noticed through the middle of the semester that I was letting myself get distracted. I was not doing my best on tests, and was leaving homework until the last minute. I knew that if I wanted to get the grades I wanted, I would have to change my outlook. I learned that studying and understand material in a deeper context is detrimental to doing well on exams. If I continue to maintain a clear and precise schedule, then I will be successful. "You get out what you put in" is a quote from Professor Fallowfield that has really stuck with me. I can apply time management to the rest of my life because it plays such a key piece in doing well. One piece of advice that I give to myself for next semester is never doubt yourself and do the best you can. I am on this path for a reason, so keep up the hard work.