Camp Brosius
May 2024
Meeting New Friends
Even though I knew a few people going to camp in May, I knew I was going to meet new people. Brosius brought me some of my closest friends that I have, and I could not be happier that this experience brought me them.
Family Seven
At camp, we were split among different groups, and this group was known as your family. I did not know anyone in my group at first, but by the end of the week I felt as if I could trust them with a lot. My favorite part of the week was when my family won the volleyball tournament. We came together and learned our strengths and weaknesses. The cherry on top was beating the counselor team.
Leading Others
When it comes to leading others, I find myself being an executer. I try to keep the subject in hand under control, while also making sure every person that is part of the group is doing what they need to. I also believe that everyone should take responsibility if something goes wrong, it is the only way to move forward with the task.
Top Five Strengths
Prior to attending Camp Brosius, we were required to take an assessment that would tell us our top five personal strengths. We had to complete a series of questions, answering them by saying if the statement related to us or not. For example, one question was "I feel as I give up easily." to which we had to pick between agree or disagree. I thought that this was interesting as I had never taken an assessment such as this one before. I had my doubts about this assignment, but it turns out that it described me perfectly.
With consistency, I have always thought that everyone should be on an equal level when presented with a task. Not one person should be favored over another, everyone should have equal opportunity and chances.
Being deliberative was one theme that stuck out to me because I feel as if I am a private person. I do not like to confide in others because I never feel as if I can fully trust them. I am very careful on who I choose to tell information to, because you never know that the individual will do with that information.
Discipline is huge to me, specifically because I feel as if everything needs to be completed in a precise manner. I understand that everyone makes mistakes, but the outcome needs to be what the focus is on, not the mistake that was made.
Taking responsibility is also extremely important to me. I need to be someone that others can rely on, and when I make a mistake, I take responsibility for that mistake and work through it. It bothers me when others place the blame on someone else. You need to be able to take responsibility for your actions, or in my eyes you become untrustworthy and unpredictable.
Relator reminds me the most of myself. I enjoy creating relationships and learning more about the person. A friend or partner is not just another person to me, they become an important part of my life and I want them to be able to confide in me with whatever.